Simple and cost effective application high availability using Pubsub2Inbox and regional persistent disk

Taneli Leppä
7 min readNov 12, 2023


You might have read Build HA services using regional Persistent Disk which very neatly outlines the different options for providing high availability in case of a zonal outage. While you can always perform the failover using manual operations using gcloud, you may want to automate the failover. At minimum, this involves moving a data disk between two instances by using the force-attachmethod.

The architecture

In this article, I’ll be providing an example of how to fail over an instance automatically based on a Pub/Sub message (a good candidate for the source are health check logs — since they only log on transition of states, ie. from healthy to unhealthy or vice versa). The setup will look like this:

  • Two instances created in two different zones, with two zonal boot disks (the instances will be running Nginx just for demonstration purposes)
  • A regional persistent disk that is swapped between two instances (and snapshotted just before the move for extra safety)
  • Two unmanaged instance groups (UMIGs) containing the aforementioned instances
  • One regional passthrough TCP load balancer (you can also use a HTTP load balancer) with a HTTP health check

The last piece of the puzzle is using my swiss army knife for Pub/Sub, Pubsub2Inbox. We’ll be using the computeengineand loadbalancingprocessors to perform the failover and to update the load balancer backend service. The architecture looks like this:

Architecture diagram for the high availability setup

To decide when to do a failover, we’ll be using the health check log messages as the signal to initiate actions. This is easy for one reason: the health check only logs messages during transition from one status to another (eg. from HEALTHY to UNHEALTHY and vice versa), so we don’t need to filter or de-duplicate the Pub/Sub messages.

The full Terraform sample code is available at:

Code walkthrough

First we create two instances (just using Container OS with an Nginx container and a startup script that initializes and mounts the disk):

module "primary-vm" {
source = ""
project_id = module.project.project_id
zone = var.zones.primary
name = "repd-failover-primary"
boot_disk = {
initialize_params = {
image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 10
attached_disks = [{
name =
size =
source_type = "attach"
source =
network_interfaces = [{
network = module.vpc.self_link
subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links[format("%s/%s", var.region, var.vpc_config.subnetwork)]
tags = ["repd-failover"]
metadata = {
user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config
google-logging-enabled = true
service_account = {
auto_create = true

module "secondary-vm" {
source = ""
project_id = module.project.project_id
zone = var.zones.secondary
name = "repd-failover-secondary"
boot_disk = {
initialize_params = {
image = "projects/cos-cloud/global/images/family/cos-stable"
type = "pd-ssd"
size = 10
attached_disks = []
network_interfaces = [{
network = module.vpc.self_link
subnetwork = module.vpc.subnet_self_links[format("%s/%s", var.region, var.vpc_config.subnetwork)]
tags = ["repd-failover"]
metadata = {
user-data = module.cos-nginx.cloud_config
google-logging-enabled = true
service_account = {
email = module.primary-vm.service_account_email

Then we create two Unmanaged Instance Groups that each hold one of the instances. Now we can plug in these UMIGs into a regional passthrough Network Load Balancer on TCP port 80 and a health check that just probes the root document:

module "nlb" {
source = ""
project_id = module.project.project_id
region = var.region
name = "repd-failover"

backend_service_config = {
protocol = "TCP"
port_name = "http"

forwarding_rules_config = {
"" = {
ports = [80]

group_configs = {
umig-primary = {
zone =
instances = [
named_ports = { "http" = 80 }
umig-secondary = {
zone =
instances = [
named_ports = { "http" = 80 }

backends = [{
group = module.nlb.groups.umig-primary.self_link

health_check_config = {
enable_logging = true
check_interval_sec = 5
healthy_threshold = 2
timeout_sec = 5
unhealthy_threshold = 4
http = {
port = 80

Then it’s time to put together a log sink in the project, that will capture the health check logs and send them over to a Pub/Sub topic we create:

module "project" {
source = ""
name = var.project_id
project_create = false
services = [
logging_sinks = {
repd-failover-healthcheck = {
destination =
filter = <<-EOT
logName="projects/${var.project_id}/logs/" AND
jsonPayload.healthCheckProbeResult.healthState="UNHEALTHY" AND
resource.type="gce_instance_group" AND
type = "pubsub"

module "pubsub" {
source = ""
project_id = var.project_id # Use var to avoid circular dependency
name = "repd-failover"
iam = {

Finally we’ll create use a configuration template for Pubsub2Inbox and plug in the necessary values from Terraform into the template and deploy a Cloud Function v2 in the project:

module "pubsub2inbox" {
source = "../.."

project_id = module.project.project_id
region = var.region

function_name = "repd-failover"
function_roles = ["compute-engine"]
cloud_functions_v2 = true

service_account = "repd-failover-pubsub2inbox"
pubsub_topic =

config = templatefile("${path.module}/repd-failover.yaml.tpl", {
concurrency_bucket =
project = module.project.project_id
primary = {
instance =
zone =
instance_group = module.nlb.group_self_links["umig-primary"]
secondary = {
instance =
zone =
instance_group = module.nlb.group_self_links["umig-secondary"]
regional_disk = {
id =
region = var.region
device_name =
load_balancer = {
backend_service =
region = var.region
use_local_files = true
local_files_path = "../.."

bucket_name = format("repd-failover-source-%s", random_id.random.hex)
bucket_location = var.region

If you cloned the example code, you can apply the Terraform into your project (it will create VPC and all the necessary infrastructure components):

examples/repd-failover$ terraform apply -var project_id=your-project-id
Plan: 44 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:
+ instructions = (known after apply)

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value: yes

Apply complete! Resources: 44 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


instructions = <<EOT
To access the application, open:


Now the setup should be activate and serving on the load balancer IP address:

Example of the application output.

We can now test the failover by either stopping the Nginx container or more easily by just terminating the current instance:

Stopping the Nginx container on the primary instance.
Logging output from the Pubsub2Inbox failover function.

In a minute or two, the disk should have failed over to the other zone and the instance in the other zone should be running. We can check the load balancer status to see that the backends were updated and that the application is again serving traffic:

Secondary instance is now running and…
…the backend service backends have been changed over to the secondary UMIG.


While there are many fine options for doing high availability (and not of all of them cloud specific), this method achieves a relatively application independent way of providing high availability.

However, it may not be the best option in all cases, especially with more complex application. You could also consider solutions like:

  • Pacemaker (open source cluster manager)
  • Using managed services (Cloud Functions, GKE, etc.)
  • Running in regional managed instance groups and replicating data via Cloud Storage or filer, application-level replication mechanisms or database clustering services

One other thing to keep in mind is that force-attaching a disk to another instance is a disruptive operation from I/O perspective and requires the filesystem to support journaling correctly (there is always a non-zero chance of filesystem issues due to possibly lurking bugs). In the example, we’ve added automatic snapshotting of the disk to reduce the chance of data loss.

Also, if you run terraform apply again, Terraform will want to switch the disk back to the primary instance and change the backend to primary UMIG. Before performing further Terraform configuration changes, you should make sure the application is being served from the primary VM (or augment the modules to have ignore_changes for certain fields).

Finally, zonal outages may not be as clear as a complete outage. You can also fail over the application manually by posting a message containing just {} to the Pub/Sub topic.



Taneli Leppä
Taneli Leppä

Written by Taneli Leppä

Strategic Cloud Engineer @ Google

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